
Sometimes we need to compute our state before passing to our <template>. For example filtering a todo list based on completed status.

Creating getters

As the name getters imply, it gets the value of the state, compute it, and finally return the computed value.

In this example, we want to know the double of the count value:

// useStore.js
import { defineStore } from 'pinia';

export const useStore = defineStore('storeId', {
    // exactly same as `data` in Vue 2!!
    state() {
        return {
            count: 1,
    getters: {
        doubleCount() {
            return this.count * 2

Accessing getters

Accessing getters is the same as accessing state, remember we returned the value after computed? At the end of the day, it is actually still a state that had gone through some changes and computations.

    <!-- output: 1 --> 
    <h1>{{ store.count }}</h1>

    <!-- output: 2 -->
    <p>{{ store.doubleCount }}</p>

import { useStore } from '@/stores/useStore';

export default {
    setup() {
        const store = useStore();

        return {